FPX and Revalize Webinar
Application engineers and equipment sellers solve lead-to-order challenges to increase speed, accuracy and revenue using digital solutions.
Sponsored by: Intelliquip an FPX Company, Pipe-Flo and Revalize


Thursday, August 19, 2021


Noon CDT (17:00 GMT)

Why should the manufacturers and sellers of pumps and other types of mechanical equipment care about expanding the digital selling channel? Because now that more than 80% of B2B sales occur through digital platforms, pump sellers must solve the pesky inefficiencies that suck time out of their day, slow their lead-to-order process and eat away profitability.

A roundtable of industry experts with experience as solution engineers, equipment sellers and software developers within leading pump manufacturers will share best practices for shifting to digital-first selling using advanced product Selectors and Configure-Price-Quote (SCPQ) solutions. The webinar will provide insights into:

  • How your facility can use digital tools to automate tasks to increase speed and efficiency across job functions like sales, solution engineering, finance, distributor and partner channels and more
  • The playbook and best practices for replacing dated or manual tools like internally managed selectors and spreadsheets with digital selling tools that put valuable time and resources back into your team
  • The overall business impact of enabling digital equipment selling in the form of increased revenue, more efficient and productive lead-to-order processes, and overall ROI of an SCPQ solution.

During this webinar, you will hear from:

  • Trygve Dahl, GM Fluid Handling Solutions
  • Tom Suter, CEO and President Engineered Software, Inc.
  • Eric Brockway, Director of Sales, FPX/Revalize

Fill out the form on this page to watch a video playback or download the presentation slides. 



Sponsored by

Intelliquip an FPX Company, Pipe-Flo and Revalize
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