Despite well-documented pump system standards and basic requirements, omission of certain crucial design steps remains a problem in the industry, often causing disastrous outcomes for the end user. When suppliers, manufacturers and/or contractors take shortcuts, technical and commercial risk can present serious ramifications for a large project. Communication failures between the end user’s staff, suppliers and contractors can intensify problems, especially when pumps that may not be appropriate for a given job are commissioned and put into service. Without the end user’s knowledge, a facility may install pumps that have not been properly tested for the application, were fabricated to inferior standards or subject to other shortcuts that adversely affect performance. Sometimes the end user becomes aware of shortcut-derived flaws during the commissioning stage. Other times, problems in equipment or system design might not be evident immediately—they surface during subsequent plant and equipment maintenance that reveals potentially dangerous, hidden conditions. The ensuing problems can lead to tense project politics and expensive rectification, including hiring independent consultants. Suppliers, manufacturers and contractors take shortcuts for various reasons. These shortcuts can be attributed to a lack of experience with how a pump might be deployed in the field. There may be miscommunication of technical details from both the user and supplier or between the user and contractor. Budget constraints and concerns can also result in omissions; commercial reality can cause a manufacturer or supplier to make a project’s bottom line cheaper by reducing the cost of equipment and cutting corners.
Design flaws cause catastrophic failure in a geothermal power station hotwell in New Zealand.
Figure 1. The velocity distribution of the original (left) and modified geometries (right)
Image 1. An investigation revealed severe impeller-vane cavitation damage. (Images and graphics courtesy of Hydro Inc.)
Image 2. The investigation also showed a broken impeller vane.
Other shortcuts had been taken during pump manufacturing. A machining concentricity error was found between the suction bearing and liner during the course of a mechanical setup check. This caused damage to the impeller and liner that included heavy eccentric wear in the suction bearing. A concentricity check of the complete column assembly was performed on-site.
Poor casting quality led to other problems. The extent of such severe cavitation damage within seven weeks—a depth of 10 millimeters (mm) at places (see Image 1)—and the blade vane break (see Image 2) indicated an inferior product. The casting problems were reconfirmed by the surface-fracture analysis of the blade root. Numerous surface blow holes indicated gas porosity during casting.
With respect to poor-quality castings, a defect at the blade/hub root in open-vane impellers is common because of sudden changes in thickness coupled with insufficient metal feed during casting. Although not an excuse, some of the reasons for poor casting quality can be attributed to a lack of experience by new foundries. For example, sometimes an old pattern made for one material (usually cast iron) is reused for more difficult castings (e.g. stainless steel) without adequate modification to the thickness, radius and method.
Figure 2. The pressure distribution of the original (left) and modified (right) geometries
The flow straighteners were removed and hydraulic cones were introduced to the bottom of each pump canister. These created a more uniform flow through the bell mouth throat with minimum loss. Concerning the manufacturing defects, the broken vane and severe cavitation were remedied by sourcing new impeller castings, produced under conditions with better quality control. The machining errors were also corrected.
Since the incorporation of redesigned parts, the pumps have been in operation for two years. Vibration and noise are now normal for this class of pump. Regular review by a maintenance team was recommended during the vulnerable reinstallation stage to mitigate any long-term maintenance issues.