Meet one up-and-comer named by Pumps & Systems magazine as a top young professional in the industry.
Pumps & Systems

Caillan Charpentier

Caillan Charpentier
Vice President of Operations
NCS Fluid Handling Systems

Caillan Charpentier’s teachers recognized his talent early on. Charpentier, 35, started out as a field technician in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Now, he is one of the founding partners of NCS Fluid Handling Systems and manages more than 30 project managers, coordinators and technicians.

Charpentier has headed projects from Quebec to Yukon to Vancouver Island and all areas throughout Canada serving projects in the municipal, industrial, mining and energy markets.

“There is always something new and exciting to design and execute,” Charpentier said. “With NCS Fluid Systems, we have been approached to perform a lot of one-off projects that present unique challenges.”

An avid outdoorsman, Charpentier has assisted in the design, setup and operation of some of Canada’s largest API 650 storage tank hydrotests and water transfer systems for more than 15 years.

“I was fortunate enough to have great teachers that recognized I was proficient and the opportunity to further my career was fostered through them,” Charpentier said. “This ended up being the kickstart to my career in this industry.”

Charpentier advised that in order to succeed, surround yourself with peers who can assist with learning as the requirements and technology change all the time.

“Relying on others’ experience provides a wealth of knowledge to learn from,” he said.

Charpentier has been in his position for the last three years.

“Caillan is the ultimate water pumping market professional with a unique ability to see the big picture, providing innovative solutions, focusing on customer satisfaction, cost competitiveness and safety,” said Owen Gilbert, the CEO of NCS Fluid Handling Systems.

What do you find most challenging?
“The most challenging part, I find, is dealing with extreme cold temperatures in our geographic area while trying to maintain pumping system performance. Extra thought and design needs to be taken to mitigate the risks that we encounter, which also makes it fun.”