10 Pump Professionals to Watch 2020
Meet one up-and-comer named by Pumps & Systems magazine as a top young professional in the industry.

manish vermaManish Verma, Business Development Specialist, TMEIC

Manish Verma’s passion about electrical engineering and variable frequency drives is evident. 

Verma, 36, finished degrees at Virginia Tech and went to work for TMEIC, his current employer where he is a business development specialist. He participated in an Engineering Excellence program at TMEIC where he learned about motor controls for applications such as pumping and material handling.

“The initial training taught me how to communicate with clients about technical merits, how the technology works and key considerations when specifying, evaluating, procuring, and installing medium-voltage VFDs [variable frequency drives],” Verma said. “I had always wanted to pursue electrical engineering due to my initial internship at a captive gas-fired power station and desalination plant in an aluminum smelter that caught my interest in the subfield of electrical power and additional focus on power conversion such as VFDs through my post-graduate employment.”

He realized that industry veterans take “immense pride” in teaching newcomers, and he wants to pass that knowledge down as well.   

“In a typical industrial facility, roughly 60 to 70 percent of the energy is consumed by electric motors. A large majority of them are applied to pumps,” Verma said. “By applying VFDs to pumps, one not only gets motor control, but also immense energy savings and efficient utilization of upstream power delivery apparatus.”

He also added that, “If you are a person who is a sponge for knowledge, there is a ton to absorb and apply immediately.” 

Verma is especially interested in the future of the industry as it relates to VFDs.

“Digitalization and energy management holds potential in the VFD and pumps industry,” Verma said. “If the infrastructure bill is passed, I believe it will spur more investment here at home to upgrade roads, water infrastructure, etc.” 

What’s on your bucket list?

“Personally, travel to Europe and Southeast Asia. Professionally, learn more about [the] commercial/business side and pursue an MBA.”

See all of this year's finalists by clicking here.