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Riccio is applications engineer for Metallized Carbon

Robert Riccio, 28, graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering. In 2020, Riccio joined Metallized Carbon as an applications engineer and was introduced to the pump industry. When asked what he enjoys most about his current role, Riccio replied, “I find it incredibly rewarding when I can help an engineer solve a problem or enhance the design of their pumps. Being part of the solution and knowing that I’ve contributed to improving their system’s efficiency is very fulfilling.”

Like some others who now work in the pump industry, Riccio was not very familiar with pumps before his work with Metallized Carbon. “I wish I had known just how diverse pump designs can be and how widely varied the applications are across different customers. The breadth of technologies and industries that rely on pumps is vast,” he said. A quick learner and a natural problem-solver, Riccio has embraced this challenge and treats every day as a learning opportunity. “The most challenging part of my job is creating custom solutions for unique problems. Every situation is different, and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, which can make problem-solving both challenging and rewarding.”

Applications Engineer METALLIZED CARBON
Applications Engineer METALLIZED CARBON

Riccio is excelling in his work, but he still works to make sure he’s continuing his education and training. “I am actively seeking to further my understanding of materials, specifically in how they can improve pump performance. To that end, I’m planning to apply for master’s programs to continue my education.” Additionally, Riccio shared some advice he’d give to other young professionals interested in entering the pump industry, saying, “My advice would be to build a solid foundation in fluid mechanics and mechanical design. A strong understanding of these subjects is crucial for success in the pump industry.”

What excites you most about the future of this industry?

I’m particularly excited about advancements in the energy sector, especially in fusion energy. These innovations will undoubtedly shape the future of the pump industry and the role pumps play in critical applications.

How do you typically spend your time outside of work?

Outside of work, you can usually find me either lifting weights at the gym or running outdoors. I also enjoy spending time on the golf course, trying to get in at least one round a week.