In the movie, “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” the hero wishes for a cup of tea, and it is “printed.” While this is science fiction, consider the following scenario: Your car has broken down, and it needs a replacement part. Instead of relying on the local mechanic to find it, the exact part can be printed at your home. This scenario—which is a fantasy—might become reality sooner rather than later with the aid of three-dimensional (3-D) printing. The power of this technology has now reached deep into manufacturing and consumer spaces. The 3-D printing process, also referred to as additive manufacturing, involves layer by layer printing of a particular material to create an object. Rather than removing material to create the required shape, additive manufacturing adds material to create it. This allows a 3-D printer to print an intricately shaped object.
Current State of the Industry
Crossing a major inflection point, 3-D printing has progressed from being a technology innovation that was used in laboratories of Fortune 500 companies or high-end universities to being used by hobbyists and early adopters. This transformation impacts the market tremendously. In recent years, the market for 3-D printing has exploded. The global 3-D printing market is worth an estimated $2 billion, and it grows exponentially every year. Apart from industrial applications, home users have a keen interest in the technology. This has led to a sharp increase in the number of 3-D printer suppliers.