Efficient operations will always be crucial for the pump industry. However, when it comes to routine maintenance activities, many companies fail to leverage technologies like computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) that promote efficiency as a corporate mindset and goal. Take capturing operational asset data, for example. According to a recent survey of more than 100 small- to medium-sized U.S. manufacturers, 34 percent of respondents said they are not capturing operational asset data at all. Additionally, of the 60 percent that reported that they are capturing the data, two-thirds still do so manually. This is surprising considering the many competitive advantages a cloud-based CMMS offers companies. A well-designed CMMS moves beyond a reactive mindset to help maintenance professionals prevent failures and malfunctions, and its data-driven asset management capabilities make operations safer and more cost-effective. For industries vested in pumps and systems, updating existing maintenance practices to a modern CMMS solution offers three key benefits.
A cloud-based computerized maintenance management system offers many benefits to companies.
Smartware Group Inc.
Courtesy of Smartware Group