Pumps & Systems staff spoke with Suzette Pascal, Marketing Coordinator for BJM Pumps, LLC, about what the company expects in the new year.

What should end users know about the year ahead?

As a company we have grown quickly, with another strong year in 2018. We are continuously developing new products through customer feedback and focusing on technologies that help us better serve our customers. The booming processing sectors and continued growth in gas and oil industries will boost the pump industry and allow for more competition and growth. This will fuel more innovations and support further expansion in the industries that the pump industry supports. Further economic resurgence will support demands of the U.S. infrastructure improvements, which will leverage the pump industry. We are focused on solving problems for our customers and expanding our offerings as we move forward into 2018. Whether it’s finding a solution for Ellis Island’s sewage system, improving uptime at a brewery, delivering a tougher, safer pump to dewater a quarry or offering a longer-lasting robust pump able to tackle caustic fluids at a chemical plant or food processing facility – our goal is to deliver a cost-effective solution that cuts on downtime and maintenance. We are looking forward to continued growth and innovation in the coming year and beyond. To read more Q&As from industry leaders, click here.