Many chemical companies have aging assets. With this comes the risk of equipment failure and unscheduled stoppage. Take a look at the root causes of that downtime and there is a high chance that vibration fatigue, bearing failure or inadequate lubrication will feature prominently. The effective maintenance of assets plays a crucial role in meeting the universal challenge of maximizing the reliability and efficiency of assets to optimize profit margins, while ensuring the safety of end users who work in potentially hazardous industrial environments. It is fair to say that the companies negotiating these operational demands most successfully are those that have recognized that a “fix it when it breaks” reactive maintenance approach is no longer a viable option. They have embraced technology as a key driver for embedding proactive condition based maintenance (CBM) into their maintenance plans. Operational technology has advanced at a rapid pace in recent years, bringing with it advanced CBM methods.
Tackle the root cause of unscheduled plant downtime by working this into your maintenance plans.
AVT Reliability
Image 1. Analysis data. (Images courtesy of AVT Reliability)
Image 2. Fault diagnosis.
This access to real-time data offers wrapround visibility into the condition of assets across any location. Readings that indicate potential issues can be analyzed and acted on before operations are impacted. Lubrication can be better understood and more effectively carried out to ensure the smooth functioning of equipment. The poor lubrication, particle contamination, impeller/shaft-related issues or misalignment that could lead to bearing failure can be preemptively remedied—potentially having a positive impact on tackling one of the most common causes of rotating equipment breakdown.
Consequently, failure detection becomes woven into the daily fabric of a maintenance program, decision-making is better informed, and assets can be maintained to ensure optimum productivity.
For companies operating across multiple sites, the connectivity offered by cloud-based technology is a benefit. Cloud technology also removes the need to invest in hardware and does not require highly skilled experts to operate it. Its power consumption is low and storage capacity high. It is also scalable to any industrial setting. This affordability and flexibility makes it a viable option for organizations of any size.
Image 3. Condition monitoring tool fixed on a pump
Image 4. Reviewing data using a tablet