Dewatering projects can be short term, in the case of construction projects, or longer term, such as mining operations. When it comes to moving large volumes of water, pumps and pumping systems that can meet most pumping requirements are readily available. That said, executing by brute force is not always an option due to regulatory oversight, permitting and reporting that is becoming more prevalent in project specifications. Interested parties do not want to see undue impact to groundwater resources. Nearby groundwater users can be impacted or perceive that they are impacted by the drawdown. Ecologists are concerned by impacts to nearby wetlands or other sensitive systems. Ground settlement can be a critical issue depending on the local geology and the amount of drawdown required. In some cases, the excavation’s proximity to a source of groundwater recharge, such as a lake or river, requires large numbers of wells discharging at high rates to overcome the recharge. Excavations near the ocean might have concerns related to saltwater intrusion induced by high pumping rates. In some areas, consumptive use or other withdrawal permits are required that may make it difficult to design and implement systems adequate to meet drawdown goals. People providing dewatering services may agree that some of the stipulations and requirements in modern bid specifications are onerous and can be nearly impossible to meet. These trends highlight the benefit for industry professionals to consider groundwater exclusion techniques as a process to mitigate drawdown impacts during dewatering.
In-situ soil mixing options provide a cost-effective approach that can mitigate many perceived impacts.
Image 1. In-situ mixing provides a less invasive alternative to traditional benonite addition. (Images courtesy of Mersino)
Groundwater exclusion is used regularly for complex groundwater issues, especially in projects where exclusionary methods can be incorporated as a permanent element in the final design. Methods implemented include sheet pilings, diaphragm walls, slurry walls, secant piles and ground freezing options. Secant piles are an example that makes sense for projects that require groundwater exclusion and long-term ground support. Each of these methods have their place in certain applications, and all have advantages and limitations dependent on the type of project and the desired outcome. The one thing that most of the exclusionary techniques have in common is high cost to execute.
Image 2. In-situ mixing provides a less invasive alternative to traditional benonite addition.
In-situ soil mixing provides a similar end-product but uses a different installation method than traditional slurry walls. In contrast to the traditional installation, the soil is not physically removed from the trench prior to mixing. In this case, a machine with a long boom fitted with a mixing chain is used to mix the soil in place with a predetermined percentage of bentonite clay. Depending on the soils, bentonite additions from 2 to 6 percent by weight are used to provide a low permeability in the finished cut-off wall.
The bentonite addition is commonly added in a pretrench of a specific size that holds the volume of bentonite required for the mix ratio. The machine traverses the trench and mixes the bentonite thoroughly with the soil. Water is added where necessary to hydrate and facilitate a good mix. The mixing process provides for a homogenous mix with fines contents analyzed within a +/- 1.5 percent range. A recent project provided hydraulic conductivities in the 10