Pump system improvements boost plant profitability, targeting issues of process uptime, maintenance and energy costs. Pump optimization should be part of any ongoing improvement process, as it results in a positive impact on a facility’s pump and process reliability over time. When all parts of the system are taken into consideration, these improvements can represent millions of dollars in savings. These savings can vary by industry type and plant size, but the impact on total cost of ownership (TCO), downtime and efficiency can make or break any bottom line. In today’s facilities, preventive and predictive maintenance practices are central to the overall pumping process. These maintenance routines help predict mechanical failures and in turn prevent catastrophic breakdowns. When smart monitoring and control technologies are combined with traditional maintenance practices, facilities are empowered to maintain equipment in like-new condition.
Improve performance and reduce downtime with optimization and predictive maintenance.
ITT PRO Services, ITT Bornemann
Images 1. Before a pump upgrade. (Images courtesy of ITT Corporation.)
Images 2. After a pump upgrade. Pump modifications can help alleviate issues of old, underperforming or inefficient pumps—turning them into like-new condition, rebuilding them to current specifications and OEM standards, and allowing them to once again operate at best efficiency.