Discflo Corporation
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Company Profile
In severe application where abrasion, viscosity, entrained air, excessive wear and corrosion problems wreak havoc on pump systems and degrade products, Discflo has developed a superior alternative that dramatically reduces pump wear, is virtually clog free, and prevents product damage. Discflo Corporation was founded in 1982 and quickly became an industry leader in the hard-to-pump market in the U.S. and throughout the world. Our record of success in the highly competitive pump market is a result of breakthrough state-of-the-art pump technology and a commitment to providing the most efficient and economical solutions to the toughest pumping problems. We excel in numerous applications in several different industries. Let Discflo be your solution to your pumping issue and save you thousands, if not millions of dollars in damaged products or maintenance cost. Discflo, a Quantum leap in pumping technology.