Q: How does motor load impact the total pump system efficiency? A. Motors, along with pumps, drives, control valves and piping are critical components of pumping systems. It is extremely important to understand the relationship between motor efficiency and load in order to maximize the efficiency of pumping systems and reduce costs. The relationship between motor efficiency and load can be seen in Figure 1, which shows typical motor part-load efficiency as a function of the full load. Generally, at 50 percent load, a given induction motor will operate close to its rated efficiency. Above 50 percent of the full load, the motor will operate at nearly the same percent efficiency. However, reducing the load on a motor below 50 percent causes the motor efficiency to drop more significantly, which therefore reduces the efficiency of the entire pumping system.

- RMS voltage (the mean line-to-line of 3 phases)
- RMS current (mean of 3 phases)
- power factor as a decimal