The U.S. natural gas industry is an extremely important segment of the nation’s economy. In addition to providing one of the cleanest burning fuels available to all other industry segments, it provides much valuable commerce to the U.S. economy. Many experts believe natural gas to be the most important energy source for the future—in the near term because of its low cost relative to other hydrocarbon energy sources, and in the long term because it burns much more cleanly than other hydrocarbon energy sources. One of the largest producers of natural gas liquids in the U.S. has an enormous infrastructure to manage. It includes more than 61,000 miles of pipeline, 60 plants and 11 fractionating facilities, which divide distillates into a range of hydrocarbon end products. While complex, the goal is simple: Keep feeder stock and processed products moving. Because scores of large electric motors drive these critical flows, the company deployed a new “smart” technology over optical fiber to gather real-time motor operations data to ensure 24/7 uptime.
Plant Recommissioning