Product development is arguably one of the most important pump industry processes. For pump original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), it accelerates organic growth and complements mergers and acquisitions. For end users, product development presents new opportunities to solve problems and lower life-cycle costs. Despite these benefits, developing innovative new products can be daunting. Successful product development, especially in today's dynamic process equipment industry environment, is more demanding than ever. It requires solving end-user problems with a compelling value proposition that drives down costs in tangible ways. It requires meeting new demands for greater energy efficiency and lower environmental impact while developing highly differentiated products that enable OEMs to gain competitive advantage and achieve targeted return on investment in record time. To meet this challenge, many companies are modifying the traditional phase-gate product development structure to incorporate an iteration-based approach designed to drive innovation through rapid learning cycles. They are combining this approach with systematic ways to generate and develop ideas. For end users, these new approaches to product development are leading to more innovative product solutions.
An iteration-based process allows for greater creativity.
Image 1. The computerized numerical control (CNC) machining section of a make-to-order production cell designed concurrently with a new centrifugal pump product line. Innovations included a flexible work-holding system combined with parametric CNC programs that enable production of high-mix, low-volume pump products. (Images courtesy of PeopleFlo Manufacturing)
Image 2. Prototypes from four iterations involved in designing a sealless hygienic centrifugal pump. From left to right: cardboard and tape concept prototypes, aluminum concept prototype, aluminum functional prototype and stainless steel functional prototype
Image 3. Visual displays used during a centrifugal pump brainstorming session