(Oct. 15, 2013) – The State of the Market: Latin America Mining Report 2013 reveals that earnings from copper and iron ore were the most important sources of Latin American mining revenue last year. The region's total mined revenue was more than U.S. $150 billion in 2012, with two-thirds coming from copper and iron ore. This report details the state of mining in Latin America focusing on data-driven trends in exploration, finance, metals production and regional activity. It provides a high-level analysis of the mining industry and examines the performance of Latin American countries, mining companies, projects and mines. Download: Latin America Mining – Snapshot http://www.intierrarmg.com/Libraries/Brochures_and_Flyers/Latin-America-Mining-Report-2013-Order-Form-10F.sflb.ashx
Tue, 10/15/2013 - 00:00