Wallace shares his experiences assisting customers on the difference between OEM and counterfeit AODD pump parts
Pumps & Systems

Pumps & Systems Podcasts
John Wallace, sales director U.S. and Canada, Diaphragm Group for Wilden and PSG. He joins the podcast to make people aware of how to identify and avoid counterfeit (pirated) Air Operated Double Diaphragm (AODD) pump parts. Wallace wrote about this in the March 2019 issue of Pumps & Systems. You can read that by clicking here. Some topics for discussion include:
  • What does the word pirated or counterfeit mean in relation to pump parts?
  • Where do we most see this?
  • Where are the frauds coming from?
  • What are the warning signs? How are people getting tricked into buying pirated parts?
  • What is different about the counterfeit parts compared to ones made by the OEM?
  • What can go wrong with using parts not manufactured by the OEM?
  • What are final lessons?

Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud, Apple (iTunes) or Stitcher.

All episodes of the Pumps & Systems podcast will be on pumpsandsystems.com/podcasts