Mark Hassman of Crane Engineering joins Episode 2 of the Pumps & Systems podcast to discuss his team's development of a waste treatment system viable in areas where poor sanitation poses the greatest risk to human health.
This is spurred by a $4.2 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Crane Engineering built a Mobile Septage Treatment System prototype in 2016, and it was tested in 2017.
Hassman goes in depth on his passion for the project and his team's trip to Ghana and Uganda, where they saw the problems first-hand. He also speaks on where Crane Engineering is with the project.
More from Crane Engineering's project will be in the September 2018 issue of Pumps & Systems magazine.
Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud, Apple (iTunes) or Stitcher.
Each episode of the Pumps & Systems podcast will be on pumpsandsystems.com/podcasts