Motors and drives work together in various ways.
Pumps & Systems

Pumps & Systems Podcasts

Episode 1 of the Pumps & Systems podcast features Patrick Hogg of Nidec Motor Corporation. Hogg joins the podcast to discuss how motors run on VFDs and how these two components interact.

RELATED: Episode 2 features Mark Hassman of Crane Engineering on a wastewater treatment project in Africa. Click here to listen.

Some discussion points from within the podcast with Hogg:

Why is this a hot topic to cover and why would people be interested?

How a drive affects a motor and how to protect the motor from those effects.

What to consider when installing the components together.

Does the interaction of the components affect efficiency?

Do pump users need to make any changes to their pump before adding a variable speed drive system?

What are some worst-case scenarios for installations?

Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud, Apple (iTunes) or Stitcher.

Each episode of the Pumps & Systems podcast will be on