The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Act 451 of 1994, deals with the preservation of the Great Lakes resource. The additions made to the act in 2009 introduced the requirement for registration and permitting for large quantity water withdrawals (LQW) within the Great Lakes region. For ease of understanding to prepare owners, designers and contractors for the requirements dictated within Part 327 and Act 451, here are requirements for registration and permitting. Prior to breaking ground on a new project, one of the steps involved is determining and completing all the necessary permits per federal, state and local regulations. In the Great Lakes region, including Michigan and neighboring states, one regulation that is not well known—but is gaining attention—is water withdrawal. Water is a valuable resource and with the shortages over the last few years, attention is shifting to the Great Lakes in the St. Lawrence basin region, one of the most colossal freshwater systems in the world. The five Great Lakes contain about 6 quadrillion gallons of fresh water, amounting to 84 percent of North America’s freshwater, and 21 percent of the world’s freshwater. Growing worldwide demand on freshwater threatens this supply, warranting its protection.

Who Does This Impact?
It impacts “…any person who withdraws water in an amount of 100,000 gallons per day or greater average in a 30-day period (including consumptive uses) from all sources, or diverts water of any amount, shall register the withdrawal or diversion by a date set by the council unless the person has previously registered in accordance with an existing state program.” Water means ground or surface water contained within the basin. The basin (or watershed) is an area that commonly collects and drains off into a common outlet or body of water. In reference to this compact, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin means the watershed of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. Withdrawal is defined as a means of taking water from surface water or groundwater. This also includes:- Diversions, which is defined as a transfer of water from the basin into another watershed, or from the watershed of one of the Great Lakes into that of another (subbasins) by any means of transfer.
- Consumptive use, the portion of water withdrawn or withheld from the basin that is lost or otherwise not returned to the basin due to evaporation, incorporation into products, or other processes (i.e. waters used for irrigation, dust control, mining applications).
- withdrawal or diversion address/location
- property owner/registrant information
- estimated withdrawal or diversion amount (pumping system total capacity)
- differentiating between surface and groundwater withdrawal
- discharge location(s)
- water use
- anticipated withdrawal or diversion duration
Discharge or Pollution Prevention Permits
The water withdrawal regulation and permits are not to be confused with the discharge or pollution prevention permits that may apply on a project. Discharge water is the portion of the water withdrawn which is not consumed during use and is returned to some location after use. Authorization or permission from the owner of the discharge location may also be a requirement alongside the withdrawal. Any required discharge of water to surface waters of the United States is governed by the Clean Water Act (CWA) and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. Discharge of water to groundwater is governed by the Safe Drinking Water Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act. The Great Lakes Region Compact instead set a standard for states to follow at minimum, but this may not include any applicable local or federal permits/registrations that may be required in addition to these permits. It is important to become familiar with the local government requirements in addition to the state’s when contemplating a water withdrawal. The compact itself does not reference any consequences of failing to file, or failing to file on time, but it does grant power to the council, and each state, to promulgate and enforce such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the implementation and enforcement of this compact. The council powers include conducting investigations, instituting court actions, making contracts, having and exercising all powers necessary or convenient to carry out its express powers or those that may be reasonably implied. Though consequences for failure to comply could be found in any of the states’ regulations, they are allowed to shut down operations and potentially fine the offender. Should a permittee, or applicant, feel an injustice has occurred or choose to challenge a decision on a withdrawal or diversion, the compact dictates that a person, state or council may commence a civil action in the relevant state’s courts and administrative systems to compel any person to comply with this compact should any such person, without approval having been given, undertake a new or increased withdrawal, consumptive use or diversion that is prohibited or subject to approval pursuant to this compact. The available remedies shall include equitable relief, and the prevailing or substantially prevailing party may recover the costs of litigation, including reasonable attorney and expert witness fees, when the court determines that such an award is appropriate. Each state may adopt provisions providing additional enforcement mechanisms and remedies including equitable relief and civil penalties applicable within its jurisdiction to assist in the implementation of this compact. Though this compact has been in effect since 2008 and is subject to review, assessment and revision every five years based on data collected, it is an easy assumption to make that all states’ requirements would be clearly defined among the largest industries involved. However, the compact and its related state legislature can often—due to the broad scope—be vague on certain withdrawals. This vagueness in the legislature has sometimes resulted in inconsistent enforcement and confusion with regard to understanding the scope of the legislature. Often, enforcement of this regulation is discovered indirectly while working on a project, be it a Part 41 permit for wastewater infrastructure projects (Michigan), or applying for well permits. Owners try to be in compliance with the state’s compact regulations by working with the governing authorities such as the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), but often the parameters beyond meeting checklist items are irrelevant and costly. This late attention, unclear direction and incomplete enforcement ultimately causes delays and additional costs on the project. Key resources for the compact and state regulations can be found at glslcompactcouncil.org and gsgp.org, and this document from May 2015: Glslcompactcouncil.org/docs/download/GLCompactResourceKit—5-15.pdf. Governing authorities for each state are:- Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin: DNR
- Michigan: Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE)
- New York: Department of Environmental Conservation
- Pennsylvania: Department of Environmental Protection