At Pumps & Systems, we do our best to take care of our readers. You know we work to bring you the best content from around the industry for training, troubleshooting and future purchasing decisions. But we also work hard to take care of your data. You might have heard about new data regulations, especially if you live in Europe. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was passed by the European Union in 2012 and will go into effect on May 25, 2018. Since lots of our readers live and work in Europe, Cahaba Media Group—publisher of Pumps & Systems—has been closely monitoring the implications of this new rule. Under GDPR, European Union citizens have lots of explicit rights when it comes to privacy and data protection. Cahaba Media Group and Pumps & Systems have designed our processes to be compliant with GDPR. Read more about the regulations here. Because we’re working to stay ahead of regulations and keep up with best practices, you may notice a few changes to our cookie policy, privacy policy or some forms on our website. These updates are all designed with your protection in mind. We want to make sure all of our policies are as clear to you as possible, especially online. As always, thank you for trusting Pumps & Systems as an industry resource. If there’s ever a way we can serve you better, don’t hesitate to reach out at