Material, temperature and pressure are important considerations when choosing a seal.
Austin Walker
Austin Walker is the director of sales for anyseals in the U.S., where he assists in leading the implementation of enhanced outside and inside sales activities, including driving awareness of anyseals products and capabilities across the company’s sales regions. His background includes working in various markets including OEM, MRO and distribution specializing in sealing applications. Prior to anyseals, Walker held sales roles with Greene Tweed, Hercules OEM Group and Dichtomatik Americas. He received a Bachelor of Science from Texas Tech University. For more information, visit
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Your guide to the hazards and safe operation of pressure and temperature instrumentation in hydrogen systems.
This Boston-based museum allows visitors to experience pumping solutions from the long-ago past.
Reducing friction while maintaining effective sealing is often critical.
From Our Partners
Your guide to the hazards and safe operation of pressure and temperature instrumentation in hydrogen systems.
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This webinar teaches you how to determine the pump you need and to avoid overlooking critical considerations.
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Learn how to optimize pump performance and detect mechanical faults without the use of traditional sensors in this webinar.
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How Sulzer delivered custom pump control panels ahead of schedule for a Saint Croix facility.
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Causes and solutions for vapor locking issues with chemical metering and dosing pumps.