Covering a French PFAS bill, wildlife stormwater sewer system study and a world without pumps.
Melody Manasco
Covering frozen pipe prevention, the Green Bay Packers heating system and NEWBrew pilsner.
Covering Black History Month, DiscoverE Engineers Week and more.
Covering pumps in pop culture, Women's History Month and World Plumbing Day.
Tuttle is an applications engineer at SEEPEX Inc.
Stidham is a product application designer at SEPCO.
Goodpoet is senior engineer for Hydro, Inc.
The sewer utility discusses its strategy for wastewater content.
Poke shares her experience in the industry, advice to young engineers and more.
Van Der Woude is an applications engineer for Carver Pump.
Abu-Mulaweh is an engineering manager for Franklin Electric.
Fragnoli is a lead unit design engineer for Hayward Tyler.
David Hengst is manager of project management office at METSO OUTOTEC.
Chris Couch is a market manager at NIDEC MOTOR CORPORATION.
McKinley (Mac) Carder is a sales engineer for FLUID ENGINEERING INC.