Effective solids handling is paramount in achieving a free-flowing food waste disposal system. As in any process in which solids and debris are present in a liquid stream, food waste can be a particularly challenging medium for pumps and other process equipment to handle without properly conditioning the liquid. Properly conditioned liquids will be homogenous in consistency, and any floatable solids will be reduced to a size that is compatible with downstream pumps, process components and dewatering devices. Any hard foreign objects will have been captured and removed from the liquid stream before contacting downstream components. It is often not realistic to properly condition the liquid in one step. Figure 1 shows a complete solids handling system composed of multiple grinders and a positive displacement rotary lobe pump to provide flow. In food waste handling, two major designs are commonly specified—the twin-shaft solids grinder and the inline macerator. Depending on the waste being processed, one design may be better suited than the other. In some cases, a combination may be the most effective choice. In the most challenging scenarios, solids can be reduced in steps through a series of grinders, ranging from coarse to fine.
Inline Twin-Shaft Grinders

Inline Macerators
An inline macerator is a precision cutting device that operates much differently than a twin-shaft grinder. A set of four blades rotate like an airplane propeller across a patterned screen. When the unit is fitted into the liquid stream, it creates a barrier that no solid can pass through without being cut. The cut size is determined by the screen pattern and the rotational speed of the blades. Inline macerators can be configured in several ways depending on the manufacturer and intended application. The configurations differ in performance, flow rate, pressure and solids handling. The manufacturer will recommend the best configuration to suit the application and operating conditions.