ALEXANDRIA, Va. (March 21, 2013) – The Water Environment Federation (WEF) celebrated World Water Day 2013 by issuing a national call-to-action for WATER’S WORTH IT® Month to be adopted in communities across the United States.

Unlike people in many parts of the world, Americans enjoy reliable access to safe and clean water and wastewater services. These systems, along with thousands of dedicated water and wastewater professionals, work around the clock all year long to keep the water flowing in and out of our homes and businesses.

In fact, these systems have worked so well that many of us take them for granted. We turn on the tap or flush the toilet and we expect both to work. Water is so readily available that we might not give it a second thought. Now is the time to stop, think, and act.

Mayoral and gubernatorial proclamations for a month-long celebration of water are a great way to increase awareness about this precious natural resource; demonstrate how the things we value—public health, environment, strong economy, quality of life—are so closely connected to it; and to promote conservation and personal stewardship through increasing educational efforts. It encourages elected officials and citizens to become more knowledgeable about water issues and to the challenges involved in providing and maintaining clean water, wastewater services, and the related infrastructure.

“For more than eighty years, WEF and our members have been working to protect public health and the environment by supporting clean and safe water worldwide. Water is our passion and it’s our mission to help others understand its inherent value and the importance of shared responsibility for preserving and protecting it,” said WEF Executive Director Jeff Eger. “Whether you’re a water professional, elected official or a concerned citizen, this proclamation effort is a fun and easy way for anyone who cares about water to get involved and help raise awareness about this important issue.”

To help you get started, WEF has created a WATER’S WORTH IT® Proclamation Toolkit that includes sample proclamation language, tips, and supporting materials. The proclamations kit is the latest addition to a comprehensive online toolkit of customizable materials such as ads, fact sheets, brochures, bill stuffers, media outreach resources, and promotional items.

Since the official launch on World Water Day 2012, the WATER’S WORTH IT campaign has been used to help raise awareness about water’s value and importance to hundreds of thousands of people across the country. WEF hopes this new call-to-action will jumpstart a grassroots movement that encourages all communities across the U.S. to become involved and to help make water a personal and national priority.

“Despite water’s importance to nearly every aspect of our lives, many of us still take it for granted and have misconceptions about what it takes to keep it clean, safe and flowing,” continued Eger. “We all need water and we all use it. By working together we stand the greatest chance of positively moving the needle of public opinion about water and the priority it should receive in our daily actions and in the national agenda.”

Founded in 1928, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of 36,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world. WEF members, Member Associations and staff proudly work to achieve our mission to provide bold leadership, champion innovation, connect water professionals, and leverage knowledge to support clean and safe water worldwide.