DENVER - The American Water Works Association (AWWA) today announced that it is transforming its 2021 Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE21) into an all virtual event from June 14-17. Registration for ACE21 All Virtual has opened.

In a letter to members, AWWA President Melissa Elliott and CEO David LaFrance said ACE21 All Virtual will be a top-tier virtual experience that will be informative, impactful and engaging for everyone involved.

“We are preparing an exceptional online experience that will exceed expectations for attendees, presenters and exhibitors,” they said. “The ACE21 All Virtual professional program will feature more than 80 hours of learning in six professional tracks, with the best-of-the-best, most sought-after presenters in the water community. Attendees will interact with presenters and one another through the ACE21 online platform and active social media conversations.”

AWWA made the decision to move to ACE21 All Virtual following a thorough evaluation of member travel limitations and public health circumstances. The conference was originally scheduled for June 13-16 in San Diego, Calif., but as of mid-March, the San Diego Convention Center remains closed and there is no indication it will be open for an event the size of ACE21 by June. In addition, California public health authorities are asking people to limit non-essential travel to and within the state.

Details on hotel and airline cancellations, refunds, and exhibit and sponsorship questions can be found on the ACE website.

Next year’s ACE will be hosted in San Antonio, Texas, in June 2022.

“We’re especially appreciative of the efforts of volunteers, presenters, exhibitors and sponsors who put so much work into the planned event in San Diego and who are now making ACE21 All Virtual an outstanding experience,” LaFrance said.