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Why are tolerances needed and how do they work?
Pumps & Systems

Pumps & Systems Podcasts
End users specify a target flow and pressure for the service they require. When they specify a tolerance they are sharing how accurate the pump created for the service needs to be, it can be a general indicator of how important the pumped service is to the process. David Cowan of ITT Goulds Pumps joins the Pumps & Systems podcast to talk about the importance of tolerances. This podcast is sponsored by WorldWide Electric. On the podcast:
  • Why do we need tolerances?
  • What does it mean to the end user and manufacturer?
  • How do tolerances affect how performance curves are drawn?
  • How do tolerances impact the product received?
  • How can users avoid higher life cycle costs from oversized products that provide more power than needed?
That and more on this episode of the podcast.

Listen to the podcast on SoundCloud, Apple (iTunes) or Stitcher.