A timeline of global government action on clean drinking water access

Processing clean water is an increasingly urgent issue around the world. In some countries, aging infrastructure and neglected equipment lead to increased system failures and repairs. In others, the lack of established infrastructure brings its own set of problems. Because of the need for clean water in communities, construction and repair projects are accompanied by a heightened sense of urgency. Growing populations in urban areas and diminishing water supplies present challenges that future generations will be facing for decades to come. The pump industry is at the forefront of addressing these global concerns. Companies are developing advanced techniques to safely remove microbes and pharmaceuticals during the process. Others are employing data to identify problems earlier in the treatment process and to extend system life. Still others are embracing new mobile technology in the quest to keep systems running for the safety and health of citizens in their area. Click on the infographic below to view a larger version in a new window.

Clean Water Infographic
Sources: Progress on sanitation and drinking water – 2015 update and MDG assessment, UNICEF and World Health Organization. www.globalgoals.org Photos: Amelia Messamore, Jagdish Kumar
