state of the industry
Lockdowns had big effect on company business.

SEEPEX president Mark Jones spoke with Pumps & Systems regarding the state of the industry as we enter 2021.

Can you tell me if the pandemic has impacted your operations at all and if so, how?

"COVID has had a low measure impact on our production and assembly operation. We already had in place very good supply chain redundancy and we put in place strong COVID mitigation activities so our workforce has been largely unaffected by the pandemic. Our sales operation on the other hand has been effected. The lockdowns and restriction have greatly limited our outside sales group’s ability to visit our customers and partners."  

What are the positives you’re looking at going into 2021?

"We see a significant opportunity in our project business in 2021. We also have plans in place to enter into a number of new markets. This will further diversify our revenue stream and will provide growth and risk mitigation."

What do you expect the challenges to look like for your business next year?  

"I still see COVID as the biggest challenge for 2021. For us to grow as we want, we need our salespeople out visiting with our customers and our partners face-to-face."