Sealing systems can play a vital role in equipment performance and are considered critical components in the validation process of a design. Engineers should closely examine the sealing systems used in their equipment, because they do everything from preventing seal leakage and extending hydraulic cylinder life to lowering dynamic friction and controlling hydraulic motor position. Component designers must contend with extreme wear conditions and harsh chemicals. In addition, they must meet tight tolerances and factor in significant vibration and high pressures. Many variables can affect sealing capabilities, and their impact can vary greatly depending on the sealing application. Manufacturers and users are often challenged to balance resources properly when addressing what could be substantial sealing issues. Issues with the sealing system can affect performance significantly and may lead to decisions in the validation process that produce erroneous or misleading results or consume excessive resources. So, what are the right methods to properly address the validation of sealing systems?
Investment at the start of a project can lead to improved safety, reliability and savings.
Image 1. Seals play an important role in overall equipment functionality, and validating seals is part of a successful system. (Images courtesy of Trelleborg Sealing Solutions)
Image 2. An engineer completes a compression test to ensure performance.