What should be considered in a pump system assessment and report?
Pump systems that are not optimized have an enormous impact on operating cost, the environment, sustainability and corporate profits. Negative impacts include higher energy and maintenance costs, shortened mean time between repairs (MTBR), higher safety risks and increased carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
To reduce these negative impacts, it is advisable to screen pumping systems and conduct assessments on systems that have a high probability of savings. In fact, energy savings of 20 to 60 percent are routinely possible in centrifugal pump systems based on recommendations made through a pump systems assessment without considering the non-energy impacts such as reduced maintenance and increased safety, which often outweigh the energy benefits.
While pump systems assessments may vary depending on the market and application, understanding how the pump, system and process controls interact is a key outcome. This allows an understanding of how components interact, and how making mechanical or control changes may improve system performance.
The Hydraulic Institute’s Pump System Assessment Professional (PSAP) certification outlines 13 tasks that are completed to conduct a pump system assessment.
- Determine if system is amenable to a pump system assessment
- Obtain and analyze initial information about the pump system (i.e., prescreening).
- Define pump system assessment team, roles and responsibilities, project scope and boundary conditions.
- Conduct a visual assessment of the pump system, obtain additional information and finalize the project scope.
- Interview stakeholders to answer questions, verify information and provide additional information.
- Obtain real-time pump system operation data.
- Cross-validate the pump system data collected to ensure accuracy.
- Analyze data based on the project scope and the boundary conditions.
- Interpret the analysis, establish initial findings and options for optimization.
- Formulate specific recommendations for optimization.
- Prepare pump system assessment report with sufficient data and prioritized recommendations with costs and benefits.
- Present the report to stakeholders and assist in the transition from assessment to implementation.
- Perform post-implementation measurement and verification and generate a report.
These 13 tasks can be summarized as collecting and analyzing design and operating data on applicable systems, and generating an assessment report that includes cost effective recommendations to optimize the system.
It is advised that a certified PSAP perform the pump system assessment. This is a qualification certified by HI that ensures certified individuals have validated pumping system knowledge and demonstrate expertise in the field.
To learn more about the PSAP certification course or to register, visit www.pumps.org.