Dr. David Japikse, Concepts NREC
Improve performance through pump design optimization.
Dr. David Japikse is founder (1980), owner and chairman of the board of Concepts NREC. He received a B.S. in Engineering at Case Institute of Technology and M.S./Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. Japikse also conducted post-doctoral research as a Fulbright Scholar/NSF Fellow at the Technische Hochschule in Aachen, Germany, (1968-69). His area of expertise is the development of design tools and designs for pumps, compressors, turbochargers, gas turbines, and air compressors. Japikse has received recognition for his work, including the ASME Potter Gold Medal, the SAE 2008 Cliff Garrett Turbomachinery and Applications Engineering Award. Most recently, he was awarded the ASME 2010 Henry R. Worthington Medal. He has also been honored with membership in the National Academy of Engineering and the Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering. Japikse is author/editor of 10 books and has written/presented on turbomachinery design and development for more than 300 publications.