I received many comments from Pumps & Systems readers on "How to Calculate Pump Specific Speed" (Pumps & Systems, January 2015) and "How Efficient Is Your Pump?" (Pumps & Systems, February 2015). The Pump Video Academy videos (PVA-6 and 7) that accompanied these columns showed how the test was conducted and posed a challenge to readers to explain why the actual tested efficiency was so dramatically different from the theoretically expected as predicted by the Hydraulic Institute (HI) charts or efficiency estimator computer program. Some readers suggested that since only the head-capacity curve was tested and constructed, it was impossible to know where the best efficiency point (BEP) is without also measuring power and calculating efficiency. In other words, the selected conditions on the curve (3.2 gallons per minute [gpm], 8.1 feet) might have been far from the BEP. So the calculations might not have presented the efficiency of the pump.
Letter from a Reader
I read your interesting article, "How Efficient Is Your Pump?" which appeared in the February 2015 issue of Pumps & Systems magazine. Toward the end of the article, it was suggested that the results of a test, shown in video PVA-7, were an example of an exception to the rule for achievable efficiency obtained from a chart or output from your program. A small end-suction centrifugal pump was tested. There was almost a 50 percentage point difference between the efficiency calculator prediction and the tested efficiency. HI charts of achievable efficiency, as a function of specific speed and flow rate, are based on a pump performance at its BEP. As mentioned in the article, other factors such as surface finish may also affect efficiency values obtained from a chart or program. However, these factors might only improve or reduce expected efficiency values by a few percentage points at most. The pump test shown in the PVA-7 video was conducted at a single operating point (3.2 gpm, 8.1 feet). This may be close to or far from the BEP. So, the actual efficiency at the pump's BEP may be quite different from the tested 4.5 percent value. An inspection of this pump's performance curve, as shown in the PVA-6 video that accompanied Pumping Prescriptions in the January 2015 issue of Pumps & Systems, reveals that this single test point is at the right end of the pump's performance curve. The tested point in the PVA-7 video is probably not at the BEP.
Nelik's Response
To answer Mr. Ruiz' question, we extended the original test to add power readings to the mix. By calculating efficiency at each tested point, we found the peak and compared it to the value predicted by HI (or by the efficiency estimator computer program), as Mr. Ruiz and others suggested. A new video (PVA-11) presents this expanded test where a pump data acquisition system was used to measure flow, suction and discharge pressures, and power. Pump head and efficiency were then calculated from these measurements. Reliability data such as vibrations and temperatures were also measured (see Figure 1). The pump data acquisition system consists of the input device with instrumentation, a live data transmission gateway via Internet or cell service, and software to process and display the data remotely.

- Karassik, I.J., Messina J.P., Copper, P., and Heald, C.H., Estimated Performance Characteristics section, p. 2.68, Pump Handbook, 14th Edition, 2008
- PREMS-2A (Pumps Reliability and Efficiency Monitoring System), Operating Manual, notes, rev. 2A, December, 2014, www.doctorpump.com