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January 2023

State of the Industry 2023
All users need to be informed on factors impacting crop yield and irrigation equipment condition.
The applications within a building will depend on the specifics of the design and features.
Howe provides his insights to issues impacting the industry and his expectations for 2023.
Osborne serves as Franklin Electric’s global business development manager for the municipal wastewater industry.
Abraham discusses how material shortages have affected their company.
Wastewater transports suspended waste material from domestic or industrial sources.
President John Wilson and Vice President of Sales & Marketing Andrew Frisbie reflect on the last 30 years and discuss their expectations going into 2023.
This material works in harsh conditions and can solve challenging design problems.
Understanding common chilled water designs and control methods.
Donatiello discusses trends, concerns and expectations as we head into 2023.
Economist Chris Angle and pump industry expert Tom Angle weigh in with a global perspective on challenges and predictions for 2023.
An introduction to expansion joints and their uses in food and beverage applications.
Heflin answered questions for the state of the industry issue.
Preservation and storage procedures for any type of equipment are required to protect the investment.
Gillespie believes investment in energy transition technologies will grow exponentially in 2023.
CEO Rob Gledhill is optimistic about a robust future.
Understand basics of these pumps before selecting the right style and size.
Any unplanned supply disruption has the potential to increase oil prices quickly and significantly.
Larry Lewis of Vanton gives his perspective on the state of the industry.