ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Sept. 26, 2013) – The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has announced the winners of the 2013 StormTV Project Competition. The awards will be presented, along with a screening of the winning videos, in the Stormwater Pavilion during WEFTEC 2013—WEF’s 86th Annual Technical Exhibition & Conference in Chicago. The Pavilion is part of the first-ever Stormwater Congress that will feature extensive programming, exhibits and networking opportunities for stormwater professionals.
Developed in 2012, the goal of the StormTV Project is to share creative ways of managing stormwater, improving water quality, and informing the public about stormwater management. Throughout the submission period in 2012 and 2013, WEF collected 113 videos covering a broad range of stormwater topics. Organized within four categories, the videos were submitted by organizations, government entities, consulting firms and equipment manufacturers nationwide. WEF also presented one submission with the special Innovative Solutions Award. The 2013 winners include:
For-Profit Projects
LandStudies, Inc.
“Landis Home Restoration”
Non-Profit & Government Programs
Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
“Working for Clean Rivers: Portland’s CSO Program 1991-2001”
Public Education & Informational Pieces
Chesapeake Bay Program
“Chesapeake Unscripted: What Happens to Stormwater Runoff After It Rains?”
Stormwater Equipment
WesTech Engineering, Inc.
“WWETCO Flexfilter: The Stormwater Solution”
Innovative Solutions Award
Washington Stormwater Center
“Innovative Stormwater BMP: The Grattix”
Twenty judges from WEF’s stormwater and watershed committees participated in reviewing this year’s StormTV Project submissions and selecting the winners. Judges scored the videos based on innovation, communication of the message, visual appeal and quality, and content matter and relevance. “I was amazed by the quality, range of topics and educational value packed in these short videos,” said Stormwater Committee Chair Mike Beezhold. “These videos offer a lot of great ideas, tools and techniques that have worked for others in the stormwater and water quality fields—bite size stormwater education easy to view over lunch.”
The winning submissions can be viewed in two places, including WEF’s YouTube Channel under the StormTV Project playlist
Co-located with WEFTEC 2013, the inaugural Stormwater Congress is a special “conference within a conference” that will include 17 sessions, more than 70 world-class speakers, the Stormwater Pavilion, and more. The Stormwater Congress will be held at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place from Oct. 5-9 and the Stormwater Pavilion will be open from Oct. 7-9 at McCormick Place.
Founded in 1928, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of 36,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world. WEF members, Member Associations and staff proudly work to achieve our mission to provide bold leadership, champion innovation, connect water professionals and leverage knowledge to support clean and safe water worldwide.