When specifying pumps and systems for facilities, dosing pump systems should receive special consideration.
HENRICO, Va. (June 19, 2013) – KSB is supporting flood relief efforts in the city of Halle, which is situated on the Saale River in southern Germany.
A manufacturer of roofing slate and other aggregate slate products receives optimized production with a packaged pump system.
Artificial wave machines and surf simulators use efficient, high-volume, low-head pumps to produce realistic surfing conditions.
A paperless initiative at a Wisconsin cheese processor streamlines data management.
Innovative pumping systems help end users reduce the time to market.
Several technological options improve efficiency and system functionality.
HOUSTON (June 18, 2013) – Schlumberger acquired Gushor Inc., a Canadian-based petroleum geochemistry and fluid analysis company that provides innovative production and exploration solutions in the heavy oil and oil sand (HOOS) industry.
A University of Calgary spin-off, formed in 2006, Gushor specializes in the integration of geology, fluid properties, petroleum geochemistry and reservoir engineering information.