In a rare move, U.S. President Barack Obama went to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to personally pitch his stimulus plan to House Republicans. They were not impressed.
In our February issue, we feature the impact the new presidential administration's stimulus package will have on the pump industry, particularly with regard to infrastructure rebuilding in the water and wastewater sectors.
With financial uncertainty in a turbulent global market, and in light of a change in U.S. presidential administrations, experts in the pump industry still find reason for optimism and approach current economic challenges as business opportunities.
This month, Pumps & Systems wrapped up our busy 2008 trade show schedule with a visit to Orlando for Power Gen International.
We went to press this week with the December issue of P&S, in which we ran a feature story on “The Impact of the Rising Cost of Raw Materials.”
Whether it is the lack of safe water to drink or the overwhelming amounts that overtake communities, water is responsible for 90 percent of the deaths following a natural disaster.
Grundfos unveiled a state-of-the-art Mobile Education Center in September at its USA headquarters in Kansas City. Pumps & Systems VP of Sales George Lake and I were there for a sneak preview.