Aaron Merkin
Aaron Merkin is chief technology officer (CTO) of Fluke Reliability, home to eMaint, Pruftechnik and Fluke Connect. Merkin brings more than two decades of experience developing enterprise software across a variety of industries and markets, including roles at IBM, Dell, ABB, Aclara (now Hubbell) and Honeywell. This includes positions as the CTO of ABB Enterprise Software, Aclara and Honeywell Connected Industrial. Merkin holds a master’s degree in computer science and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. For more information, visit fluke.com.
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Packing is essential for sealing the shaft in a pump, mitigating leaks and maintaining system efficiency.
Identifying key causes of bearing failures and effective preventive measures.
How Sulzer delivered custom pump control panels ahead of schedule for a Saint Croix facility.
From Our Partners
How Sulzer delivered custom pump control panels ahead of schedule for a Saint Croix facility.
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Your guide to the hazards and safe operation of pressure and temperature instrumentation in hydrogen systems.
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This webinar teaches you how to determine the pump you need and to avoid overlooking critical considerations.
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Learn how to optimize pump performance and detect mechanical faults without the use of traditional sensors in this webinar.
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Causes and solutions for vapor locking issues with chemical metering and dosing pumps.