The Jordan, Knauff & Company (JKC) Valve Stock Index down 17.3 percent over the last 12 months.
November 2020

Improve electrical workplace protection through familiarization with the NFPA 70E and proper training.
Valves and pumping technology that should be considered to manage stormwater runoff.
Learn the differences between diaphragm and peristaltic pumps.
The pros and cons of natural materials lignum vitae and rubber.
El Paso historic district increases pumping capacity with axial flow pumps and formed suction intake.
New threats must be considered when maintaining infrastructure.
Careful attention must be paid to the thermal expansion of selected materials.
The characteristics of these pumps are suited for hazardous, and even explosive, conditions.
What would happen if the pump was selected not based on an incorrect system where these components were not accounted for?
By the time water becomes visible in oil, damage is already occurring.
No longer will deadline-driven compromise limit a hydraulic design’s potential.
Updating 100-year-old technology to recover gases and vapors safely and efficiently and create profits.
How to calculate if the bolt material can handle gasket stress.
Consider these variables when adding a new pump to a system.
Recent developments should aid end users with decision to use oil mist.
Learn steps for acquiring, installing and making specifications for a vacuum system.
Caution must be used when dealing with this substance.
Jim Elsey's first article of two explaining the pursuit of perfection in pumping
Two approaches to wastewater aeration rise to the forefront as industrial facilities race to improve biochemical oxygen demand in effluent.
Various techniques can be used to protect these pumps from corrosion and particles.