December 2018

Silicon carbide-based housing holds up in harsh power generation plant applications.
How this practice can affect pump efficiency, NPSHr, axial vibration and more.
Meet regulatory and maintenance requirements while increasing efficiencies and improving operational reliability and productivity.
Learn standards from API, HI and ANSI.
Common questions on hardwired and wireless systems answered.
This method of updating can save on piping and other system costs.
Plus the Top 4 anomalies to look for when performing a field inspection.
Integrate critical assets in a single network.
How this positive displacement technology improves energy efficiency and production rates.
Ensure reliability through proactive site performance testing.
Rigorous temperature, pressure and exposure conditions must be met.
Mean streamline techniques and computational fluid dynamics identify the culprit causing constant repairs and failure of cooling water pumps.
Keep facilities up and running with simple, proven solutions for these critical assets.
Disinfection, pH adjustment are ways to facilitate greater water reuse.